Need "if/then if both then X" conditional
I am trying to add a new product group to our Lithium platform but I need to have different headers for it from our regular community. I know I can easily (not really) do this by creating pages for each page this other product group will build but that's a ton. What I'd like to do is just have a Custom Component with a conditional where if the person is a member of one role it will show one header but if they are a member of another role it will show another but if they are a member of both then show only one header. I know how to do the conditional like this:
<#assign user_has_role = false /> <#if user.registered > <#list restadmin("/users/id/${}/roles").roles.role as role> <#if && ( == "BBCRM")> <#assign user_has_role = true /> </#if> </#list> </#if> <#if user_has_role > <@component id="Pages.Header.BBCRM"/> <#else> <@component id=""/> </#if>
But I keep getting this error:
Freemarker template 'preview' processing failed:
RenderQueueException:Render queue error in BeginRender[components/ComponentDisplayContributionPage:componentdisplay0]: unknown component id:
My page "" is a page made up from a quilt of different custom components. Is this why it won't recognize the "" page, because it's not a core page like ForumPage or something like that? If so, what the heck good is it to be able to embed a core component?
Thanks for any help anyone can give!