Forum Discussion

vishwajit_shind's avatar
10 years ago

Need to avoid extra space between "Post" button and "Current version" draft.

Hi All, 


Please find the screenshot "Extra_Space.png".


The extra space is getting generated within "post" button and "Current version" draft, This is because of large number of pre-defined labels used. 

Is it possible to change the marked "Green" quilt (Current version) in screenshot to be placed right after the "Post" button. So that the extra space will not occur when there are large number of pre-defined labels used. 

Please let us know if you need more information. 
Thank you. 

Vishwajit Shinde

  • vishwajit_shind - In the back end, the page doesn't have separate component for the original post area being displayed at the bottom. So, you need to use some jQuery to acheive this. Add this code to the edit page in a component. Here is a sample code, try this:


    (function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
    var bottomArea = $('.lia-panel.lia-panel-section.lia-component-editor').html();

    I hope it helps.