8 years agoMentor
New content type
Hi, I'm looking into have some specific content type, and which i plan to use for our new implementation. For this content type, we need to have 4 to 5 fields. So is there is any possibility we c...
jaikumar1 - Do you mean content type like forums, ideas, tkbs etc?
Hi TariqHussain,
Thank you for your quick response. Yes i want like same, and i want to have more fields(apart from title, description and attachment) for our requirement.
jaikumar1 - You can simply store any extra information for a board inside a custom content.
Example you want to have a long description field (extra field) for a board.
You need a free custom content which you can update for that specific board.
You also can keep all extra field information into single custom content using Json format or you can have a separate custom content for each field
There are APIs call available to fetch the custom content value for specific. You can get the content value and show it as long description.