Forum Discussion

4 years ago

No Results retrived from api/2.0/search

Dear Community Members ,

We are using https://[Domain]/restapi/vc/authentication/sessions/login to authenticate/get the session key , we are sucess in getting the session key 


On upon receiving the seesion , Passing the session key to : * from messages , to get the required columns , I am using Get( In postman) , I am receiving 200 response ( sucess) but no data is getting retived   ,{"status":"success","message":"","http_code":200,"data":{"type":"messages","list_item_type":"message","size":0,"items":[]},"metadata":{}} ,

Thanks !!





    • VENUMASHETTY's avatar

      Thanks SuzieH, Sure would check if the user has access to view messages

  • MattV's avatar
    Khoros Staff

    After verifying the users permissions, verify you have you session key setup properly and free of typos in postman.

    In the headers tab, set the key as li-api-session-key and the value should be the value you got from /restapi/vc/authentication/sessions/login