Forum Discussion

AbhishekIlindra's avatar
10 years ago

Notification Settings



If we change default value of Notification settings in Admin panel is it will directly change user settings for all?


Eg: If we change Kudo settings use default to weekly instead of Immediately in Admin panel is same settingsautomatically changes to all the user personal settings.

5 Replies

  • JeffSp's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    10 years ago

    Yes, if a user has the "Use default" setting selected, when you change the default for the community, the behavior will change for them. Users that have selected a setting other than "Use default" are not affected.


      -- Jeff

  • JeffSp 


    Thanks for your clarification, but i need more details on it




    As a Admin  if we changed default value of Kudos "Immediately" to "In a weekly Digest"  is it change every user setings with New change or user should chnage it manually



  • JeffSp's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    10 years ago

    Default always means exactly that: default. So if I have the default setting, whatever the admin sets for default will affect me whenever it's changed.


    For example:

    Here is my personal setting on this community:

    Screen Shot 2015-04-17 at 9.42.40 AM.png



    Right now the default is "In a Daily digest". If the community admin changes the default to "Immediately" then I will receive the "Immediately" setting automatically (and the new checkbox will be next to "Use default (Immediately)".


      -- Jeff

  • AbhishekIlindraYes it will reflect to all users except you have set the permission to the seperately by setting user permission. Same apply for the kudos.