Forum Discussion

nicgutierrez's avatar
11 years ago

Number of new threads created in the last 24 hours (for a specific board)

Hi all.   I was trying to use the APIs to get the count of new threads (for a specific board) created in the last 24 hours. I tried to use the "recent" API but I'm not sure whats the logic behin...
  • OlivierS's avatar
    11 years ago



    I wonder how long before people start to be annoyed by my 'Rest API v2' responses ... ;-)


    If not urgent, just wait until the Rest API v2 comes out the beta version (very soon). Then, I strongly believe LiQL will help you achieving what you want.


    Having said that, I'm not 100% sure you will get the count with a select query ...


    Now, if it's a bit more urgent, you could have a look at the metrics. In your community admin, in metrics, if you can manage to get the count of your new thread in a specific board, you should be able to do the same using our metrics api.