Forum Discussion

robertcavanna's avatar
8 years ago

Oauth Access Confirmation Page

Under Studio > Page, one of the available pages to edit (under the Authentication page group) is OAuth Access Confirmation Page. 


Is there a standard URL for this page?


I'm hitting a wall ("An Unexpected Error has occurred.") trying to get my initial OAuth authorization code for my community. Wondering if my redirect URI for my client needs to point to this page, or something else. 

  • I think I figured out the answer to my real issue. The example for getting an Oauth code shows a URL encoded redirect_uri, but an un-encoded client ID. When I do the opposite, by encoding the Client ID, but using the un-encoded version of the redirect_uri, the resulting URL includes the Code I was looking for. 

1 Reply

  • I think I figured out the answer to my real issue. The example for getting an Oauth code shows a URL encoded redirect_uri, but an un-encoded client ID. When I do the opposite, by encoding the Client ID, but using the un-encoded version of the redirect_uri, the resulting URL includes the Code I was looking for.