Forum Discussion

mayank's avatar
12 years ago

Only Group creators can see Groups

Can anyone please help me so that only Group Creators(Role) can see Groups.   <#if user.anonymous == false>     <@component id=""/> </#if>   How can i used a group ...
  • AdamN's avatar
    12 years ago

    I'm a little late to the party, but I wanted to share a function that I'll often use for seeing if a user has a specific role:

    <#-- function: userHasRole
    	Returns true if the user with the specified userId has been granted the role specified by testRole 
    	param: userId - Number (not a string) corresponding to the user id of the user to obtain the setting data for
    	param: testRole - String containing the name of the role
    	return: true if the user has been granted the role, false otherwise
    	usage: ${userHasRole(,"Administrator")?string}
    <#function userHasRole userId testRole>
    	<#if (userId)?? && userId?is_number && (userId gt 0) >
    			<#list restadmin("/users/id/${}/roles").roles.role as role>
    			    <#if && ( == testRole)>
    					<#return true />
    			<#return false />
    	<#return false />

     Sample usage:

    <#if userHasRole(,"Administrator")>
    You're an admin!
    <#if userHasRole(,"VIP")>
    You're a VIP!