Overiding the scope text keys
Can anybody help me here how to override the existing title header say example want to change the Latest Posts and Latest Topics title to our own titles. I tried based on the document, but it is not working. Any solutions will be appreciated.
I am providing the details of which I tried out. None of them works. Not sure what's wrong here.
module.recent-messages.title.all@category:<CategoryPageID>@page:<PageId>@component:forums.widget.recent-messages = Custom Title
module.recent-messages.title.all@page:<PageId>@component:forums.widget.recent-messages = Custom Title
module.recent-messages.title.all@component:forums.widget.recent-messages = Custom Title
This works, but we want to have a custom title based on context of the page.
module.recent-messages.title.all = Custom Title
Your help will be really appreciated.