Forum Discussion

george_ingelby's avatar
2 years ago


Hi there,

When creating a post via the API you can do the following


<#assign apiCall = restBuilder()
"author": { "type": "user", "id": "' + getAuthorId() +'" },
"subject":"' + key +'",
"context_id":"' + key +'",
"id":"'+ boardid +'"
.admin(true) />

This will essentially set the author id to any user you desire.

However if this message is updated, you can not set the following

        <#assign apiCall = restBuilder()
.path("/messages/" + id)
"author": { "type": "user", "id": "' + getAuthorId() +'" },
"current_revision": { "last_edit_author": { "type": "user", "id": "' + getAuthorId() +'" } },
"subject":"' + key +'",
"context_id":"' + key +'"
.admin(true) />


Am I missing something or is there another way to do this?

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