Page Initialization CNAME Redirect for SEO
Hi there,
We currently have our main community CNAME set to but the CNAME for is also enabled, though not actively promoted.
So as to just have the one domain collecting stats in Google Analytics etc I'd like to have a proper wildcard redirect on the domain so that url requests to redirect to the non-www equivalent but also retain the url and parameters.
But without a htaccess file I can't quite work out how to do this.
I've managed in my Page Initialization script to do a general redirect with:
<#if http.request.serverName == "<a href="" target="_blank"></a>">
${http.response.setRedirectUrl("<a href="" target="_blank"></a>")}
But this of courses strips out the url/parameters and just sends all urls back to the community page.
I tried the following in the Page Initialization script hoping I could just substitute it but it didn't work:
<#assign hostName = http.request.serverName />
<#if hostName == "<a href="" target="_blank"></a>">
<#assign hostName = "" />
Does anybody have any suggestions as to how I might be able to achieve this in the Page Initialization script?