Forum Discussion

TomasD's avatar
11 years ago

Page title

Hi all,


I'm changing Community TKB to meet my client needs and I need to change the title of the page which currently is "<name> Knowledge Base" to "Support Articles" I tried to find corresponding text key (I found some but changing them did not make any difference), I also tried to

enable text keys display and it seems that title does not have a key. It is being rendered by Page Title component (


Does anyone have any suggestions?


Does anyone



  • Here is how you can change the page title as seen in your browser tab:


    page.head.title@page:FaqPage = Frequently asked questions

    Add to your text keys. In this case, "FaqPage" is the Lithium page being rendered. You can also find the page name as a class on the <body> HTML element.. for example the page I'm typing into right now is a "ReplyPage"


    The component will render this updated title.

  • This is because it is picking up the Title from the Community Structure, try changing the name in the community structure for this.
    • TomasD's avatar

      But there is no such node in the Community Structure. The page is Top level TKB (TKB Community Page)

      • MoniqueL's avatar
        Lithium Alumni (Retired)

        try adding the text key

        page.TkbCommunityPage.title = Support Articles