Forum Discussion

Gursimrat's avatar
12 years ago

Parent post issue

I am customizing the recent posts widget where in I have to show the latest reply with the parent post, but I am getting an issue with getting the parent post of the main topic (which ofcourse would be a null as it is the parent post itselt), how can I just show the main post in this case


I am getting the parent of the recent post by /messages/id/${}/parent but this causes exception when this is running for the original post as it does not find the parent for it.

3 Replies

  • Henrik's avatar
    12 years ago

    Hi Gursimrat ,


    I have used "root" instead of "parent" in my case.

    Something like:


    <#assign reply_root = rest("/messages/id/${reply_id}/root").message />
    <#if != reply_id>
    The message is a reply to the topic whose id is ${}



  • samudhraa's avatar
    12 years ago

    Hi Gursimrat ,


    Check out this snippet of code.

    It checks if the message has parent ,if so assigns parent path to a variable.

    If the message is a parent by itself , it assigns the message path to the variable.


    <#assign response = rest("/posts/recent").messages/>
    <#list response.message as message>
         <#if (message.parent.@href?size>0)>
            <#assign parentMsgId= message.parent.@href />
               <#assign isParent = message.parent.@null />
                <#if isParent=="true">
                     <#assign parentMsgId = message.@href />



    Hope that helps. 

