Forum Discussion
10 Replies
- scottalvis13 years agoContributor
I would like to do something similar to this:
<@component id="common.widget.user-name" user="conv:${}" />
Is this possible in a custom component?
- YuriK13 years agoKhoros Expert
Hey Scott,
You can do the following:
- In the XML tab for the quilt insert your component as follows:
<component id="custom-component-id" param="object-or-string-value" />
- In your component, you can access the passed in param as follows (The attempt/recover loop is to catch the case where the parameter doesn't exist)
<#attempt> ${env.context.component.getParameter('param')} <#recover>
Parameter with the name param not found </#attempt>This is currently experimental functionality and we will be improving it so please use sparingly for now. Also note that you will not be able to see full functionality in the custom component preview window as the parameter won't be passed in there.
Hope this helps,
- scottalvis13 years agoContributorThanks Yuri!
- scottalvis13 years agoContributorFollow up:
It appears this only works on simply types such as strings and numbers. Is it possible to pass a list of messages?
Thanks again,
Scott - AdamN12 years agoKhoros Oracle
Hi Scott,
Sorry for the late follow up. I was forwarded to your post by someone else that had the same question. I figured I'd reply here for the benefit of others.
If you’re adding the component to a page via the page editor in Studio, then I believe you’re fairly restricted in what types of values you can use… pretty much just strings as you discovered.
If you’re adding the component to another component via the <@component> macro, then you have a bit more flexibility. With the macro, you can pass other types and objects as well. For example:
<#assign community=rest("/").community /> <@component id="paramtest" param=community />
Then in your paramtest component, you could do something like:
to give you the id of the community.
Here's a better example more a long the lines of what you were talking about. This example shows passing some threads:
<#assign threads=rest("/threads/recent").threads /> <@component id="paramtest" param=threads />
Then in your paramtest component:
<#assign threads=env.context.component.getParameter('param') /> <#list threads.thread as thread> ${thread.messages.topic.subject}<br/> </#list>
- Henrik12 years agoAdvisor
Is it possible to pass an array as a parameter? I've made some tests but couldn't manage to make it work.
For instance, I'd like to pass a thread list built from two boards:
<#assign topics1 = rest("/boards/id/ID1/topics/recent").messages /> <#assign topics2 = rest("/boards/id/ID2/topics/recent").messages /> <#assign topics = [topics1,topics2] /> <@component id="paramtest" param=topics />
Or is it possible to make a single objet from topics1 and topics2?
- KPNOnline10 years agoMentor
I am curious about the same, because I cannot get it to work..
I want to pass a custom object to a child component, but cannot get it to work..
Is there any real life example that is not based on R.E.S.T. return datas?
- nibo10 years agoMentor
Hey Adam,
do you know, if it is possible to pass a boolean as a parameter? It tried it, but it is not working, so I'm currently passing a "true" or "false" as a string.
- luk10 years agoBoss
KPNOnline i had some success with using JSON to transport data, for example like this
<@component id="componentid" data='{"key": "value"}' />
you have to convert this JSON string back to a hash inside the component, this can be done with the ?eval FreeMarker Built-In. - Inactive User9 years agoAdamN Any feedback on this?