Forum Discussion
Thanks for this SheenaK - thanks for this.
If you have any newer info I'm interested.
I've forwarded to my internal SEO sme to see if we do this; if so how and if not should we?
- Lief3 years agoExecutive
SheenaK - i'm told that the original premise (that Google doesn't check the sitemap regularly) is incorrect. Their system checks it regularly for updates and changes.
Indeed in our Google Search Console (attached image) several of our *node-level* sitemaps were recently checked and we don't implement any of the automatic pings.
all that to say you may not need to worry about building a specific ping tech - unless perhaps your sitemaps are not being checked anymore? OR if you want to try to get Google to check them more regularly?
^THAT^ said, I agree with you that the landscape for SEO and communities is difficult. We currently have some of our nodes that exceed the 50,000 record max for a sitemap and, currently, Khoros Support is saying we can't (they can't) split the sitemap. We are exploring other options for working with large content repos (like sitemap indexing) but still no joy. #WorkInProgress
Happy to hear from others who consider their approaches to be successful.
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