Forum Discussion
IndexNow works with other search engines such as Bing and results are good (increase in Bing traffic). At the moment, Google will accept URL submissions through the IndexNow protocol for two content types: job postings and broadcast events. My estimate is that, because of the reasons mentioned (internet becoming too vast), Google will start fully using IndexNow at some point in the (near) future.
In the meantime, XMl sitemaps are a good way to understand what has been indexed. However, this would rely on XML sitemaps that contains all URLs on the site. It seems that the default sitemaps don't contain all URLs on Khoros (at least OOTB).
You can normally submit RSS feeds to Google Search Console the same way your submit XML sitemaps. This is another way to inform Google about new URLs as they are created. Normally these are at www.[site].com/rss/Community.
Hi - The feed at www.[site].com/rss/Community is being processed successfully with 21 URLs. These 21 Discovered pages: this is a list that refreshes as new content is published. So this is another way to submit fresh content to Google (and Bing) on an ongoing basis.
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