11 years agoMentor
Possible bug in Recent Topics module
[Mod Note: This was originally posted as a comment on this TKB article: How do I change where the Recent Topics module pulls from?]
There seems to be a little bug in the component.
The contents are filtered as expected using the interactionStyle parameter but the "view all" link isn't modified as it should.
It still points to /forums/recentpostspage/post-type/message which display all message types.
Would be better if it was modified to point to /forums/recentpostspage/interaction-style/forum when interactionStyle="forum" is in use for instance.
Hi wpigoury,
Thanks for reporting this. I have filed a bug in our bug tracking system for this. In the meantime, you could probably add some javascript that adds the /interaction-style/forum (or whatever the interaction style you want to use is, i.e. blog, idea, contest, qanda, review) to the end of the path of "view all" URL -- this will scope the page to the interaction style you want it to. For example, this gets you only the recent forum messages on the Lithosphere:
This gets you onky the recent ideas: