Forum Discussion

Madmortem's avatar
12 years ago

Post-moderation: List with unread topics for moderators

Hi all,


since we are using post-moderation the moderation manager is of no use to use. Now I wonder if anyone already got a piece of code to get a list with all posts, that no moderator has read so far. Since Lithium already marks this posts with a special icon, maybe there is a way to filter these posts and get a list of just the unread ones?


If so, can some of you coding-gods out there maybe provide a bit of code here to accomplish this?




1 Reply

  • This is quite an old thread, but I thought I'd post a quick reply as I just had the same question myself and found an alternative solution.


    Some of the guys who manage our blog platforms were frustrated that without pre-moderation they didn't have a clear list of new comments, and had to scroll through all the blog articles hunting for new comments.  One really simple way to check for any unread messages at any category level, whether you're moderator or not, is to simply use:




    Not exactly what the OP was asking for, but maybe it'll help someone at some point.  :)