problem - using rest api to do http post to set settings - 10,000 characters limitation
we have this setting created in our demo system. It has 64k limitation.
data :wc string 0 64000
But when I try to do a http post with a value of 30k characters, it throws me this error:
"This value must be shorter than 10,000 characters in length"
So I did another test, by http post with a value of under 10k characters, it passed. Below is the result.
I am pretty sure the setting is set up in 64k mode. And I am guessing that the java http request/response controller may be checking the length of the http post. If it is larger than 10k, it throws an error. It is just my guess.
We do occassionally need to save something larger than 10k characters. How can we solve this?
BTW, i have tried both of these (I am logged in as admin):
1. restadmin("/settings/name/" + variable_url_encoded_20k_data)
2. <form action="/restapi/vc/settings/name/hinterlands/data/set" method="post"><textarea name="value">20k characters here</textarea><submit_button></form>
Both of these give me "This value must be shorter than 10,000 characters in length"
Any thoughts?