Problem in using studio page as an iframe on other domain
The deisgn of the widget is such that, we pull a studio page on other domain of customer in an iframe . Recenlty we started to get an error on customer's stage environment as
Load denied by X-Frame-Options: http://<stage server> /t5/custom/page/page-id/widget does not permit framing.
as the error implies the response header is passsing a parameter X-Frame-Options:DENY
is this a configuration of security restriction ? would appreaciate some details on what can cause this error.
Hi Ratnesh,
Looking at that page I do see the
header, so as currently configured, that page is not iframeable at all in a browser that honors that header.
Looking at the configuration for the site, I do see a problem with the clickjacking prevention configurations.
Please file a case with support to get this configuration issue resolved.
Here is a general link for more info on clickjacking, for anyone who is not familiar with the general issue: wikipedia