Forum Discussion

ratnesh's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
12 years ago

Problem in using studio page as an iframe on other domain

The deisgn of the widget is such that, we pull a studio page on other domain of customer in an iframe . Recenlty we started to get an error on customer's stage environment as 


Load denied by X-Frame-Options: http://<stage server> /t5/custom/page/page-id/widget does not permit framing.


as the error implies the response header is passsing a parameter X-Frame-Options:DENY 


is this a configuration of security restriction ? would appreaciate some details on what can cause this error.




  • Hi Ratnesh,


    Looking at that page I do see the 


     header, so as currently configured, that page is not iframeable at all in a browser that honors that header.


    Looking at the configuration for the site, I do see a problem with the clickjacking prevention configurations.


    Please file a case with support to get this configuration issue resolved.


    Here is a general link for more info on clickjacking, for anyone who is not familiar with the general issue: wikipedia




3 Replies

  • stever's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    12 years ago

    Hi Ratnesh,


    Looking at that page I do see the 


     header, so as currently configured, that page is not iframeable at all in a browser that honors that header.


    Looking at the configuration for the site, I do see a problem with the clickjacking prevention configurations.


    Please file a case with support to get this configuration issue resolved.


    Here is a general link for more info on clickjacking, for anyone who is not familiar with the general issue: wikipedia




  • ratnesh's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    12 years ago

    Hi Steve,

     Thanks for replying and information around it. I have couple of more queries ..


    1.  So I suppose this is server level configuration and our customer need to raise a case to turn this header off ?


    2. Is this configuration done as default thing or is on need basis ? Beause I do not see the header parameter coming in one of the other stage environements.







  • stever,


    Continuation to the above question raise by ratnesh. What if the 

    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

    Do we need to raise a case with support team to get this configuration issue resolved.


    Can you please provide more details regarding this configurations. As we are not able to call the community page in the iframe of another domain.