7 years agoContributor
Problems with search API v1 vs API v2
I have a # of posts that contain PDF attachments. When I search for a phrase in the v1 API, if the phrase is in the PDF the message appears in the list
v1 url: https://community/community-id/restapi/vc/categories/id/[id]/search/messages?q=phrase
5 posts returned.
The v2 LIQL does not appear search the same way, and does not return the messages with PDFs.
v2 LIQL: select * from messages where (subject matches 'phrase' OR body matches 'phrase' AND = 'ID'
2 posts returned.
Is there an additional field I can use in the v2 LIQL?
Also the count v1 API does not return the correct count:
v1 url: https://community/community-id/restapi/vc/categories/id/[id]/search/messages/count?q=phrase
value of 1 returned