7 years agoAce
Profile url
Hi all,
I am trying to get the user profile url from the username. Does anyone know a way I can do this?
Hi all,
I am trying to get the user profile url from the username. Does anyone know a way I can do this?
Do you want to replace the user id with the user login name? If yes, here is the URL
VikasB I want to be able to access the user profile url, based on a username.
The url you have above does not work for me. I believe that is the profile url for the non-responsive forums.
VikasB, suggest the url to view user profile using username is working absolutely fine for both responsive and non-responsive forums.
See below example for responsive forums:
There might some issue with the permissions from Lithium in your community. You can raise the ticket with Lithium support team (support@lithium.com) to check the issue on your community version.