13 years agoBoss
Query Custom Tags
Hey We are looking into quering Custom Tags and we have this call working /restapi/vc/posts/for/metadata/key/modbar.negativecomment/value/true/count However we'd like to query this count ...
this one works (for Attribute Tag)
But I have a problem with List Tag (another type of Custom Tag).
/search/messages?q=modbar.comment: positive
These two don't seem to work if I set up Custom Tag as List Tag.
Hmmm... There's an alternate method for specifying metadata criteria when searching that might work better with list tags. You can specify the name of the metadata field as a query string parameter, and the value of the metadata as the value of that parameter. For example:
/restapi/vc/search/messages?q=date:[1341341612 TO 1341946412]&modbar.comment=negative