Forum Discussion
Hi cike,
I was looking for something else and found your question.
Sorry, it might be too late and you've already figured it out :-)
here is the way how I'm getting all messages tagged with a specific tag
<#assign messages = rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT id, body, subject, view_href, post_time,, teaser, board FROM messages WHERE tags.text = 'sometag' AND depth=0 ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT 10"?url) />
you can mention '' and other restrictions. you can try 'restadmin' if you don't see it.
BTW, I'm looking how to get all tags and/or labels for a specific article without mentioning an article id, just any article when the user views it.
Any idea?
Thank you.
Hi irach15
You can try to do some thing like this
select * from tags where = '1'
You will have to provide message id though.
- irach159 years agoMaven
yeaaa... I know about that way for a single id..
I need for any id, not a specific one aka universal call...
- irach159 years agoMaven
I found how.
it needs to be a couple calls.
Some other parameters here are just for testing purpose :-)
<#if page.context.thread??> <#assign apiVersion = "2.0"/> <#assign articleId = page.context.thread.topicMessage.uniqueId?c /> <#assign tagsQuery = "SELECT * FROM tags WHERE = '" + articleId + "'"/> <#assign tags= rest(apiVersion, "/search?q=" + tagsQuery?url + "&restapi.response_style=view").data.items![] /> <h4>Tags!!!</h4> <#list tags as tag> <ul> <li>Tag: ${tag.text}</li> </ul> </#list> <ul> <li>articleId: ${articleId}</li> <li>apiVersion: ${apiVersion}</li> </ul> </#if>
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