Forum Discussion

chakri's avatar
5 years ago

Query the Users based on the "last_visit_time"

Hello everyone, I am trying to integrate with Khoros/Lithium  v1-API's. I am trying to pull the user (/restapi/vc/users) data based on the "last_visit_time" element to get the list of the most recen...
  • Tarun's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hi chakri ,

    You can easily use V2 API's in the Postman as well,

    Eg. for the above V2 API you can pass something as follows:

    /api/2.0/search?q=select * from users WHERE last_visit_time > 2019-08-19T16:23:23.000-07:00

    Which in URL would seem like following

    https://[Your community domain]/api/2.0/search?q=select%20*%20from%20users%20WHERE%20last_visit_time%20%3E%202019-08-19T16:23:23.000-07:00

    The following is the documentation for the same:


    Please Give Kudos if you find this post useful and also mark this as Accepted Solution if this is the required solution.


    Tarun Kumar