Forum Discussion

shong's avatar
8 years ago

question about authorization code

Hi I am calling API in browser to get authorization code, it returns the result like this: https://xxx/?code=qvOisvrJIV7v6MXPmhH7wF%2B8oBZW5%2FdnTg8geLTCGsM%3D&user-id=30&tenant-id=xxx&proxy-host=x...
  • RobertT's avatar
    8 years ago



    Running the string through a URL decoder would reveal the token however for references the following can be used to convert the string:


    • $ (Dollar Sign) becomes %24
    • & (Ampersand) becomes %26
    • + (Plus) becomes %2B
    • , (Comma) becomes %2C
    • : (Colon) becomes %3A
    • ; (Semi-Colon) becomes %3B
    • = (Equals) becomes %3D
    • ? (Question Mark) becomes %3F
    • @ (Commercial A / At) becomes %40
    • / (Forward Slash) becomes %2F

    You can see the full map of character encoding at 

    I hope this helps,