Forum Discussion

Mach008's avatar
9 years ago

question about automation with Bulk API

Hello developers,


I would like to ask the community on a particular issue with handling bulk api calls.

We are trying to retrieve the bulk api data via an automation but I am hitting a wall in setting it up.


So far this is the method I am trying to work on:

1. Setup the task manager // chron to call a .jar file

2. Said .jar file runs "onload" call to run the java script with the curl command.

3. After the script is called resulting data goes to reserved folder.


This is a bit crude and I am not making any head ways in the project.

Could anyone tell me on how to properly set this automation call?


Thank you,




  • Inactive User's avatar
    Inactive User

    Did you ever figure this out? I'd be interested to hear what you did...