Rank up PM variable issue
Hi folks. Recently ran into this issue. The last line of the rank up PM is as follows:
'<p>Visit your <a href="${rankUser.webUi.url}">profile page</a> to see your rank and other personal stats.</p>'
But, instead of showing the profile url, it gives this html. It's like the variable is being seen as pure text:
'<a href="${rankUser.webUi.url}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">profile page</a>'
Any suggestions?
PerBonomi- are you getting this broken URL by send email to self from studio or this is generated automatically when user ranks is changing?
${rankUser.webUi.url} is accurate context object, Open a ticket to lithium support for this is not working.This context object returns the user profile page URL which can be obtained by alternative way.
e.g communityurl.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/<user.id>
You can use below context objects to generate above URL.
$emailUrls.getCommunityUrl - To get the community URL
${user.id} - To get the user id.