Forum Discussion

Warren_Brill's avatar
8 years ago

Styling Font-Awesome Icons

We need to change the background colors on some of the font-awesome icons. Where in the SASS files can this be done? The vendor.scss file names the icons but nowhere in the other ones am I able to fi...
  • SuzieH's avatar
    8 years ago

    Hi Warren_Brill,

    To change the color of the triangle or the icon itself, it's simply Sass. I was able to change the color of the triangle from green to blue with this in _variables.scss.


    .lia-list-row-thread-solved .triangletop:before {
      border-top-color: #0000ff;

     You'll need to check out the styles for every message grid where you want to do this, though. For example, this is the class I had to change for the grid used by the Topics I've Participated In component (component ID "messages-feed") in the View Profile page.


    .lia-message-view-display.lia-list-row-thread-solved:before {  
      border-top-color: #0000ff;

    We have the Font Awesome icons used with the Responsive skin here. And we have instructions for overriding the icons and creating new icons in the Responsive Developer Guide, but you found a hole that needs to be addressed with regard to documentation. I can work to improve on that.