Forum Discussion

saikumarn's avatar
4 years ago

Unable to create group hub using API

Hi, I am trying to create a group hub using this document ( I ...
  • jeffshurtliff's avatar
    4 years ago

    I believe the issue is with the "parent" key, which shouldn't be necessary.  If you try it without that but still with the "parent_category" key (assuming that category exists) then it should work for you.  

    For example:

            "description" : "test",


    Alternatively, if you are using Python to make the REST API calls then you could utilize the open-source Khoros Python library I'm developing to create your group hubs, as documented here and shown in the example below.

    >>> khoros.grouphubs.create(
    ...     'python-lovers', 'The Python Lovers Group', \
    ...     'This is my witty description.', \
    ...     open_group=True, discussion_styles=['forum', 'blog'], \
    ...     parent_category_id='testGroups', return_url=True)


    Hope this helps!