Forum Discussion

jeffshurtliff's avatar
5 years ago

Unable to publish message on behalf of another user

I have created a custom endpoint wherein a new TKB article gets published to one of our product boards as a product advisory, which is triggered by a member of the respective product team via a custo...
  • DougS's avatar
    5 years ago


    Hi jeffshurtliff ,

    Let me reply to your last 2 questions:

    Is there a way to force the directives above to select one session key over another, or is there perhaps a different directive/method to leverage instead to publish the post within the endpoint?

    There is no way (to my knowledge) to pass a different session key from your freemarker template and have that override the session id of the currently authenticated user. We do allow you to pass either the Li-Api-Session-Key header or the restapi.session_key parameter to your endpoint call and it will use that session key to authenticate the user.


    Is there maybe a different way that the author can be specified by the Community APIs when creating a new message?  For example, if I pass "author": {"type": "user", "id": "12345"} in the payload when creating the message will that specify the author or will it be ignored?

    If the user you are authenticated as has the "Switch User" permission, then you can pass the "author": { "type": "user", "id": "12345" } and it should set the user for the id you've passed as message author (assuming that id maps to a valid user) instead of using the currently authenticated user as the author.

    I hope that helps.
