Forum Discussion

sdenisov's avatar
13 years ago

Recent Messages for multiple boards - REST api's



I've been looking through the knowledge base and REST api documentation, and i want to check if what i want to do is possible with only a single API call:


To get the most recent messages for only certain boards, in a single call. I've found the threads/recent under boards, however this only seems to give a single board at a time. I thought there might be a way to specify multiple boards in this call, but I cant seem to get it to work, if its even possible at all?


I also found a threads/recent for community, however this returns accross all boards, and becuase some of our boards are hidden, i  dont want to return everything.


I could of course call the cummunity version and then filter out the boards I dont want, but i want to check there is not something that will give a direct result before heading down this path.


does anyone know if this is possible?


thanks for your help



  • AdamN's avatar
    Khoros Oracle

    Are the boards you want to filter by grouped by category? If so, you there's a "topics" method on the Category class. For example:



    • sdenisov's avatar

      thanks Adam, I dont think they will be.


      I think the answer i'm looking for lies in setting up a custom endpoint. I have been given access to do this and can find it in the admin site we have, i just need to find some documentation on here about how to actually do it.



