recent solutions module
Moments ago, this page
had a component with the title "recent solutions"
How can I make my own component called recent solutions to get content like this?
I can't find anythign in the REST Api ( that gives me any sense of what call I would use.
That the documentation isn't searchable due to being local isn't helping.
Hi Beryllium,
The call you noted in your comment should do the trick -
It is possible that there are not recent solutions in your community and it is not showing any results. If you're receiving a Success message in the XML output, it should be what you're looking for though.
Alternatively, there is a Recent Solutions component already created within the platform for use on the community. To add this to a page, navigate to Studio and add the component to the desired page type you're working on.
Note: You'll find the recent solutions component under the list of components on the left. Expand Solutions and hover over Find More Solutions, then select Add.
I hope this helps!