Forum Discussion

packet's avatar
12 years ago

Recreate the 'user-search-result-email-block' using REST


I'd like to recreate the information block returned when performing a user search using REST. Before I run off and spend a lot of time figuring out all of the calls needed, I figured I ask to see if anyone else had successfully created something similar. 


The goal is to provide an off domain service that allows a community user ID to be looked up and have all of the 'pertinent' information displayed. 


~ packet

    • packet's avatar

      Thanks for the nudge in the right direction. 


      It looks like I can get everything except page views from the following calls:


      • /search/users?q=<substring>
      • /users/login/<login>
      • /users/login/<login>/ranking
      • /users/login/<login>/posts/count

      The only thing I can't seem to recreate is the "Page Views" number.


      I've tried adding these and the resulting number does not match:


      User: /views/boards/style/all/count
      User: /views/boards/style/blog/count
      User: /views/boards/style/forum/count
      User: /views/boards/style/idea/count
      User: /views/posts/style/all/count
      User: /views/topics/style/blog/count
      User: /views/topics/style/idea/count


      Is there a user REST call that provides the same "Page Views" number?




      -- Packet


      • DougS's avatar
        Khoros Oracle

        For page views, you can get the page_views user metric:


        /restapi/vc/users/id/<user id>/metrics/name/page_views

        /restapi/vc/users/login/<user login>/metrics/name/page_views