Forum Discussion

SkyFlyinDancez's avatar
8 years ago

Request query with API v2 over HTTP

Hi Lithium Support,

I had try to make a call to staging with below query but we realize the data returned from the API and data from and are slightly different.

Sample query*+FROM+messages&api.pretty_print=true 
(with header)


Can we request the query needed for above 2 page on the data of Latest Post, Announcement and Top Tags ?

1. Latest Post - I had try to call it but getting similar but different data from above url. (Messages Table)
2. Top Tags - We able to call it but all query return 0 array. (Tags Table)
3. Announcement - I can't found related Table to query the data from Lithium. (Reference Doc : )


  • Hi,


    Something like this? As i don't understand your question fully:



    ( select * from messages ORDER BY post_time DESC limit 1 )


    2. not sure what you want here.  

    3. same here