Thanks for putting it on BlakeH and team. It was nice to meet/greet some fellow community experts. Overall, a good first go with promise.
I think, generally/to me, it felt more oriented towards Config/Admins as opposed to Devs.
Positive: I enjoyed the breakouts - getting a bit deeper into a few of the specific topics was nice. Controlling (to some extent) the focus of the conversation - less marketing more what we care about.
Would have been nice to see the topic options ahead of time; vote, add more, think about them for a few minutes to have my head in the game.
Improvement: More "open time" means more "in person" time. Tough to do over zoom. Would prefer a user-group feel of an evening in a nearby-town with a zoom-in option for folks that can't travel but still want to get 30% of the benefit of the in-person conversation.
I'm no developer (which is arguably a reason I shouldn't be posting here) but I would suspect that without hands-on or whiteboard-style open conversations (attempted/approximated in the breakouts) that this felt less like a DevLab and more like an Admin RoadShow.
The breakouts - as tough as it was to be a DevLab - were more engaging than the pre-breakout, big-group powerpoint. I wish I'd written things down closer to the end of the session but week-old memory says there was a bit of *marketing* in the front half that most of us don't need.
Maybe too thin a line to tread the first time...but "what features are coming, how do they behave, what pain (technically) do they solve, what are the limits" is more applicable to a dev.
(note...from here on out I'm pivoting away from the point of the DevLab and getting more into a delivery style commentary that I've noticed over the past several months...turns into a bit of a well-meaning-rant.)
Also, take notes on how often Khoros folks say "coming soon" and tone that way down. 😄 Maybe even remove it from your vernacular all together. We are "working on..." or "R&D is still discovering..." or "still developing the..." - all the verbs that come before you know the schedule for release.
"Coming Soon" to a Developer and every movie fan is measured in days/weeks or has an actual date. Most of the big things I'm looking forward to as a Program Manager are on the roadmap article for "like July" or later. That isn't soon to me even and it's not a date - that's like 2Q's away. Good for someone thinking of migrating and/or purchasing or looking at big-rocks for their dev-shop in 2025; less relevant for any but the most forward-capable DevShop.
I may be overblowing this a bit, in that one little meeting, but my frames popped when I heard it for like the 3rd time in a row after a couple of years of "'s coming in Aurora." which is here but still doesn't have some of those things.
I'm still a fan of the product, please do more of these (and similar), the facetime with Khoros and peers has very-long-tail value: I'll be there.