Forum Discussion

andre_fuse's avatar
16 years ago

REST API - Messages Search No Teaser Value

I want to use the API to search for messages that contain my search phrase.


i.e. searching for the word playstation



In the search result xml, the teaser value is always null but all other fields are fine.  Should I use a different API method?  Or maybe lithium can update the API to show the teaser value?  Otherwise, I have to make an API call to retrieve the body of each message.  This way is very inefficient.



4 Replies

  • JakeR's avatar
    Khoros Oracle
    16 years ago

    The API supports getting the following from search in a single API call




    * Subject / title of post - <subject>

    * Time-stamp - <post_time>

    * URL to post (for hyperlink) – view_href attribute on <message>

    * Author – <author>

    * URL to author profile – view_href attribute on <author>

    * Message Body – <body> (requires passing an additional parameter


    I belive with the message body content you can then parse the XML so that you define the teaser to be however long you want it to be.

  • AdamN's avatar
    Khoros Oracle
    14 years ago

    Hi lvshankar,


    The teaser field is user-definable field (rather than being automatically generated), but only a few interaction styles have a teaser field. I believe blogs and TKB are the only two of the current interaction styles that allow a user to set a teaser for the article.


    The field is returned in the REST API XML because as far as our REST API is concerened, a message is a message, regardless of whether it's from a forum, blog, idea, TKB, etc. So basically it's there to have consistent XML across all of the different interaction styles.


    If you're looking for a teaser in the sense of a truncated message body (rather than the user-defined teaser for blogs and TKB articles), I'd suggest checking out the example here: