Forum Discussion

iahiqosolutions's avatar
12 years ago

REST API. How to sort messages in a blog?

Hello folks,


I have a question:

Lets consider that we have a blog with articles.

How can we sort all these articles by views or publish date?


We have tried to use following REST API methods:






end etc.


But it looks like "sort_by" parameter doesn't work.


We have found that this parameter takes into account by the search method of the blog.

Here is example:


But in this case not all blog articles can be included in the search results(Because we have to use something for value of the "q" parameter).


  • AdamN's avatar
    12 years ago



    If you want to go the search route, you can use "is_root:true" as the value of the q parameter, and then sort as needed. This will return "root" messages, which is the first message in a thread. For example:

    There's a message_viewer.topic_sort_order parameter that can be used with the threads methods; however, the only available values are last_post_date and topic_start_date, which doesn't sound like it will help you with your particular use case. I'd suggest giving the search option a try.


    I hope this helps!



    • AdamN's avatar
      Khoros Oracle



      If you want to go the search route, you can use "is_root:true" as the value of the q parameter, and then sort as needed. This will return "root" messages, which is the first message in a thread. For example:

      There's a message_viewer.topic_sort_order parameter that can be used with the threads methods; however, the only available values are last_post_date and topic_start_date, which doesn't sound like it will help you with your particular use case. I'd suggest giving the search option a try.


      I hope this helps!

