Forum Discussion

jackdupont's avatar
13 years ago

REST API /messages/id/message_id/delete ?



I've been through the documentation, and can't find out how to delete a message with the REST API.


Would be thankful if someone knows the answer :)


Thanks !

    • kc's avatar

      Do we have an 'delete' function now, given the request was over 1 year ago?


      Is there any possible workaround?

      • TedC's avatar
        Lithium Alumni (Retired)

        Hello all,


        This was actually raised as an Idea but never linked in this thread. The idea itself has been accepted and is under development, but is not ready for primetime in full. There are some functions that are available which include deleting tags from a post. For more information, please see the idea linked here. The additional functionality that is currently available can be found here in our documentation.



        Ted C