Forum Discussion

CCornerstone's avatar
8 years ago

REST-API: Sorting TKB Articles by number of views via API

Hi everyone,


I am not a developer so not really sure how to use the rest-api. I would like to retrieve a full list of tkb articles sorted by the number of views from our online financial dictionary containing more than 1.300 definitions.

See: for the full dictionary or for a single article.

As an output I would just need the number of views and the title of the article.



Is anyone familiar with this topic? Thank you very much for your help!


All the best, Clemens


6 Replies

  • CCornerstone - 

    Below is the query which will return you TKB subject by views sorting.

    SELECT subject FROM messages WHERE'tkb' ORDER BY metrics.views DESC

     Here is the documentation

    If you just want to get all the tkbs from Boersenlexikon board. You don't need to add either. 


    SELECT subject FROM messages WHERE'Boersenlexikon' ORDER BY metrics.views DESC


  • CCornerstone's avatar
    8 years ago
    thank you for the quick reply!
    would you perhaps also know the rest-api call? (not lithium query language?)
  • TariqHussain's avatar
    8 years ago

    CCornerstone - Can you elaborate more? do you want to use this query inside lithium using Freemarker or you want to access from the third server? 



  • CCornerstone's avatar
    8 years ago

    of course, sorry for the unspecific question. the data must be accessed from third parties

  • luk's avatar
    8 years ago

    TariqHussain CCornerstone nope, you don't need the OAuth stuff =)...


    Paste the code below in an endpoint in Studio > Endpoints and set the endpoint's "View Content Type" to "application/json" in the dropdown below the content field. Then click "View <> Endpoint" to get the link to the endpoint, you will see a gibberish output, that is JSON =)...the developers implementing the data on the third party site will know what to do with it, just send them the link to the endpoint.


    <#-- fetch all tkb articles sorted by views, adjust the WHERE conditions as needed, in your case one should be enough as Tariq already stated -->
    <#assign query = "SELECT subject,view_href,metrics FROM messages WHERE = 'Boersenlexikon' AND = 'tkb' ORDER BY metrics.views DESC LIMIT 1000"?url />
    <#assign response = restd("2.0", "/search?q=" + query) />