Forum Discussion

1 Reply

  • A TKB article is nothing more than a message on a board.  The board just happens to be a TKB.  That means you can use the messages/post API under the Board class to create a new article.  For example, in PHP, this might look like:


    function postMessage($board, $author, $body, $subject) {
        $url = $this->param['h'] . '/restapi/vc/boards/id/' . $board . '/messages/post';
        $p = $this->default_params;
        $p['post']['message.body'] = $body;
        $p['post'][''] = $author;
        $p['post']['message.subject'] = $subject;
        $raw = $this->doREST($url, $p);
        return (!$raw) ? false : true;
    postMessage('MyBoard@tkb', 'login/username', 'This is a test', 'Test');