Forum Discussion

khill's avatar
7 years ago

REST API v2 Multiple Posts with the Same Depth Value

Hi Community,


I am working with the REST API V2 messages tables and keep getting instances where a two posts (different post ids) on the same topic have the same depth.



TopicID = 000000 PostID = 111111 Depth = 1

TopicID = 000000 PostID= 222222 Depth = 1


Is this an actual possible scenario? My understanding was that Depth was a unique value for each topic, thus there could be no repeating values.  Any ideas?



  • khill  As mentioned by DougS  depth is an indicator of message position.  In a thread, there will be only one message having depth 0 which is called topic. All other messages will have depth > 0.  See screenshot here

    But DougS reply of reply will have depth 2 not 1.  See screenshot here

  • DougS's avatar
    Khoros Oracle

    Hi Kate,


    Depth is an indicator of a message's position within a thread. The topic message has a depth of 0 (since there can only be 1 topic message in a thread, it will be the only message within the thread that has a depth of 0), replies to the topic message have a depth of 1. Replies to replies to a topic message have a depth of 1, etc. 



    • VikasB's avatar

      khill  As mentioned by DougS  depth is an indicator of message position.  In a thread, there will be only one message having depth 0 which is called topic. All other messages will have depth > 0.  See screenshot here

      But DougS reply of reply will have depth 2 not 1.  See screenshot here

      • khill's avatar

        Ah perfect explanations - thank you VikasB and DougS


        In which case, it sounds I'll have to add an extra parameter to calculation of first reply where reply depth = 1 and post date is min.