Forum Discussion

chrigu's avatar
11 years ago

REST response to JSON

Hi there


I'm building an endpoint and I would like to output the response of the following REST call as plain JSON:


<#assign ideaBoards = rest("/categories/id/mycategory/boards/style/idea?restapi.response_style=view") />


Is there way to convert ideaBoards to a JSON string? Or to a normal Hash?


Note: I'm aware that I can calll rest("/categories/id/mycategory/boards/style/idea?restapi.response_format=json") to get a JSON response directly, but I would like to include the response above in my JSON response e.g.:



  "some": "Some other Text",





Thanks for any hints!



2 Replies

  • You can get json response by appending parameter ?xslt=json.xsl in REST call.



    <#assign ideaBoards = rest("/categories/id/mycategory/boards/style/idea?restapi.response_style=view&xslt=json.xsl") />


  • phani 


    Thanks for the reply, but we woud like to filter some of the returned data and then return it as JSON. This means we would like to convert a XML node to JSON.


    Currently we do something like:


    <#assign cleanPost = {
    "postLink": post.@view_href?string,
    "postKudos": post.kudos.count?number,
    "postPostTime": post.post_time.@view_time?string,
    "postPostDate": post.post_time.@view_date?string,
    "postTeaser": utils.html.stripper.from.gdata.strip(post.teaser?string)?json_string,
    "postViews": post.views.count?string,
    "postSubject": post.subject?json_string,


    and then orginise our data in arrays and dictionaries and, finally, use this conversion macro to return the data.