Forum Discussion

janh's avatar
11 years ago

Restapi: Listing Ideas by status

Hi guys, 


I'm trying to perform a rest call to perform something similar to Idea Status widget ( ) where I can filter the list of ideas just by their status.


I looked at the Lithium documentation and it recommends using something like this:


boards/id/[board id]/threads/for/message_statuses/key/status_key


I tried this for several existing status keys, for example 'New' (

/restapi/vc/boards/id/<id of Ideas board>/threads/for/message_statuses/key/New )

 but didn't get any results.


I noticed that for Ideas that querying for status ID ( 'threads/for/message_statuses/id/' ) just reports "Invalid path element." . Is there any other rest call that can be used to list ideas by their status key?