Forum Discussion

isxtn's avatar
2 years ago

Returning all messages with a certain tag?

I'd like to return all the top level messages given a single tag, with results that include the id, user, body, subject, and post time. Is there a better way? Or even a way that works? 

Attempt 1 with "foo" I keep getting an error when doing this in V1. 

<#assign taggedMsgs = rest("/tagging/for/tags/text/Event/messages").messages />



REST Error:
 message="Method 'post' is not supported off of node 'generic_tagging_context.messages'."


Attempt 2 with "foo": search


<#assign taggedMsgs = rest("/search/messages?q=tags:foo").messages/>


but it only returns a messages with a limited number of fields available, which does not include body, view_href, or many others. How can I get those fields as well? 

Returned data:

<response status="success">
<message type="message" href="/messages/id/28497">
<root type="message" href="/messages/id/12345"/>
<canonical_url type="string" null="true"/>
<post_time type="date_time">2023-07-26T09:49:55+00:00</post_time>
<message_rating type="float">0.0</message_rating>
<last_edit_author type="user" href="/users/id/123">
<login type="string">SomeUser</login>
<count type="int">0</count>
<last_edit_time type="date_time">2023-08-02T16:00:24+00:00</last_edit_time>
<seo_title type="string" null="true"/>
<seo_description type="string" null="true"/>
<author type="user" href="/users/id/123">
<login type="string">LoginName</login>
<deleted type="boolean">false</deleted>
<board type="board" href="/boards/id/123"/>
<thread type="thread" href="/threads/id/12345"/>
<parent type="message" null="true"/>
<teaser type="string"/>
<count type="int">17</count>
<board_id type="int">2</board_id>
<subject type="string">Revolutionizing Technology and Innovation: Exploring the Boundless Horizons of Cutting-Edge Advancements in the Digital Era</subject>
<id type="int">12345</id>
<read_only type="boolean">false</read_only>


  • Sweet. I didn't even realize that we could get messages by tags from V2 without a constraint.

    While I'm here, MattV , is there a way to list all Settings for a site, either in V1 or V2? Specifically I want to see the names and values for the settings in the Settings List Editor, not for a user. 

    i.e., these kind of settings


    ${"profile.language", "en")}
    ${"custom.discussion_category_id", "nada")}




4 Replies

  • isxtn's avatar
    2 years ago

    Sweet. I didn't even realize that we could get messages by tags from V2 without a constraint.

    While I'm here, MattV , is there a way to list all Settings for a site, either in V1 or V2? Specifically I want to see the names and values for the settings in the Settings List Editor, not for a user. 

    i.e., these kind of settings


    ${"profile.language", "en")}
    ${"custom.discussion_category_id", "nada")}




  • MattV's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    2 years ago

    There isn't a way to just get a list of all the settings, but all settings can be retrieved with APIv1, just one at a time.

    It's not particularly well documented, but you can do /settings/name/ for example. You can also do this off of a user node, category or board....




  • isxtn's avatar
    2 years ago

    Thanks. But no way to get the SLE settings names? 

    What about c_custom_fields?