Forum Discussion

Laurent's avatar
13 years ago

Returning threads that have the most recent replies



For a solution I'm currently working on, I'd like to get the following response from my forum by Lithium:

- Returning the two Forum threads with the most recent posts within a specific Forum category.

- For each of these threads, the subject (of the original post) is displayed, as well as the date/time and author of the most recent post in this thread.

- The subject is clickable and therefore the specific location of the threads must also be returned.


Do I need several calls to retrieve the information above or is there a single call available for this purpose? Thanks in advance for your reply!




4 Replies

  • Hello Laurent,


    As far as I know you can use REST API for achieveing your goal.

    For example you can use the following request: 


    http://%Your Community Name%/search/messages?page=1&page_size=2&q=is_root:true&restapi.format_detail=full_list_element&sort_by=-topicPostDate


    It should return 2 recent topics in the specified category

  • Laurent's avatar
    13 years ago
    Thanks a lot.

    Would you mind clarifying what the "q" argument achieves?