RSS Optimization for Blog Article
I've been asked by a blog author why his RSS reader is not consistent in its choice of the image it displays when it displays a feed. I am a casual RSS user at best, so I don't know, but surmise that a full-featured RSS reader would have some configuration tools to drive this choice. He was wondering if 1) there is a setting in Lithium that determines a priority on the images in an article (e.g., the teaser image vs. the first image in the body vs. a later image, etc., and 2) is there any feasible way to "optimize" images for RSS readers in general, that might make the image choice more consistent?
Warren_Brill - The images in the body and teaser are available in the RSS feed but it is not possible to set the priority for them, and also not possible to optimize them. You might want to raise an idea about this here
I hope this helps.