Forum Discussion

sullysnack's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
12 years ago

Scope a text key definition for custom quilt

Hi Lithium,

I read up here how to customize the text key for the title of an internal component and scope it to CategoryPage pages only, here:


But it seems I am unable to scope the text key for a custom CagtegoryPage.GigaPower quilt to make the text different there than what shows up on regular CategoryPage pages which don't use a custom quilt.



solutions.recent_solved_threads.title@component:solutions.widget.recently-solved-threads = New to U-verse Solutions
This applies to the recently-solved-threads component on all pages.

solutions.recent_solved_threads.title@page:CategoryPage@component:solutions.widget.recently-solved-threads = New to U-verse Solutions
This applies to the recently-solved-threads component on all CategoryPage pages including our custom quilt CategoryPage.GigaPower page.

solutions.recent_solved_threads.title@page:CategoryPage.GigaPower@component:solutions.widget.recently-solved-threads = GigaPower Solutions
It looks like this does not apply anywhere. The default "New Solutions" text shows up.

Maybe I'm not using the correct format. Can I differentiate text of a component placed in a custom quilt, versus other pages of the same original quilt type e.g. CategoryPage?


Thank you,



  • @page is supported for custom quilts starting with Community release 17.1

2 Replies

  • DougS's avatar
    Khoros Oracle
    12 years ago

    Hi Dave,


    The text localization service applies the "page" based on the page you are on -- if you are on a custom page, it will use the name of the custom quilt as the page name, but if you are on a standard page, that just happens to be overridden by a custom quilt (which is what I'm guessing you are doing here), it is stil going to use the standard page name.


    I haven't tried this myself, but you might be able to wrap the standard component in a custom component and use the custom component's id after the @component: part of the text key, assuming there is not already a text key that uses the standard component (because that would be more specific).



  • SuzieH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    9 years ago

    @page is supported for custom quilts starting with Community release 17.1