Hello! I'm trying to install and setting up Community SDK plugin at my machine. After some issues related to the node version used by the plugin, I was able to export the Studio plugin. I can see ...
I'm a frontend developer and I would like to run the project on my localhost where I could see any change on my css before submit to stage. For example: I have a component with a form and I would like to change the text color and size. How can I see my changes locally ?
I already have all the folder and files structure(see attachment) and all I see on my localhost (browser) is folder structure (see attachment).
The best I can offer you is to have your local css used as the page's css, which may be a little faster than the li package-plugin / li submit-plugin process.
You'll see this page. You can check the Override Skin CSS URL, and select the skin you're currently using as the live skin should allow you to make local changes and have them reflected. Full disclosure: I've never done this as a customer, only as an Khoros engineer with higher access. So give this a try but no guarantees from me. Maybe SuzieH has some more information?
Regardless, if I understand what you're asking, which is "Can I set up a local instance of the Community on my computer and make test changes before uploading?" the answer is no.
Refreshing with the local css file as above is the closest solution.
Although I wasn't expecting it to not be possible to make changes locally and test them before submit to Stage, I will try to work in the way you suggested, as I already consider it a good step forward.