9 years agoMaven
Hi, is anybody using the SDK with a stage running on HTTPS? I upgraded to the v. 1.2.1 of the SDK and tried configuring the local CSS instance to be served over HTTPS instead of HTTP. But even i...
Hi YuriK,
I tested both options and was still getting the same errors about some assets not being loaded. And then I realized that the missing assets are not included when exporting the Studio plugin from stage, for example:
http://localhost:9000/html/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.3.0 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
As there's no /fonts folder under /assets and it looks like these are coming from the platform definitions:
coreplugin/res/feature/responsivebase/v1.8-lia16.3/res/skins/bootstrap_base/sass/_variables.scss:877://$fa-font-path: '/html/assets/fonts'; coreplugin/res/feature/responsivebase/v1.8-lia16.3/res/skins/bootstrap_base/sass/codebook/_variables-base.scss:956:$fa-font-path: '/html/assets/fonts' !default; coreplugin/res/feature/responsivepeak/v1.8-lia16.3/res/skins/responsive_peak/sass/_variables.scss:1445://$fa-font-path: '/html/assets/fonts';
Some configuration issue maybe?
Hi Miika,
Today, I tried to replicate this issue but was unsuccessful.
It worked when my site was on https, and I got the following output when serving sass.
[11:19:47] Successfully downloaded asset = .tmp/lia/html/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
I followed the instructions in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18321032/how-to-get-chrome-to-allow-mixed-content while running Google Chrome on the latest version of SDK & LIA.
Is this issue still persisting when you follow the above steps?
With the push to HTTPS for communities, this one is going to become quite a big issue for workflow with the SDK.
Any progress or updates a workaround?
As it stands just now no browsers will load the CSS from the local machine if you're viewing the environment using a HTTPS connection.
I've spun up Apache on my dev machine and configured a virtual host with self-signed SSL certs pointing to the .tmp/lia directory, the problem with this is that only the CSS file is compiled, the assets from /html/assets/ server side don't get downloaded to the .tmp/lia/<skin>/html/assets directory when navigating around the staging environment leaving elements of pages not displaying properly.
Hi RobertT,
I've been advocating for a workaround for this with Engineering. They asked if you tried switching the browser to allow mixed content. I couldn't tell from your post.